Can't access the form to nominate players for the showcase?
The showcase form is accessible to PAID members only.  First, check with the treasurer to make sure you are current on your dues.  If that is the case, you can access it at showcase>JC Coach Nomination Form.  You can also access it by clicking the login icon at the right of the menu bar.
New to the site or a returning coach having trouble logging in?
The first thing you need to know, is that the Coach's Association has decided to restrict access to Coach's area to PAID members only. Click here for more information on paying your dues.  The only part of the site you will need to log in to is the Sophomore Showcase Nomination Form.

After you have paid your dues AND receipt of the dues has been confirmed by the Association Treasurer, you will receive a message telling you that you are approved. Once approved, the first time you log you need to just choose the forgot password link, and set up a password.  If you are not in the system yet, it will not recognize your password.  The list will get cleared out every year, so each year you will go in and set up your password after you have paid your dues for that year.